Location: Mississauga, Ontario, Canada

Welcome to my blog. Here you will find my travel writing, musings on books I've read and selected memoirs.

Thursday, February 24, 2005

The Garfield Legacy Fund

The Garfield Legacy Fund will eventually do its job. Alexander McPope will stay busy recording the master's thoughts, actions and visuals for as long as he can stand it, but what he really wants are your thoughts after you tour his pages. So go ahead, write something, anything you like about anything you see or wish you had seen. He'll love it. Sincerely,


Blogger Pimp My Chard said...

I love your nick. Did you just make that up?

5:16 PM  
Blogger Gary McDonald said...

I took several moments reflecting on that nickname, used it and left to drive Pud to the airport for her Santiago Chile four dayer. Only a true Bud would do that don't you think?

6:17 AM  
Blogger Gary McDonald said...

And Pud's bud says: "No one has a bud like my bud Pudsbud

7:37 AM  

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